Tackling Modern Slavery Statement

As part of the overall commitment of Livewell Southwest Training Network in keeping people safe well and at home and consistent with local multi agency safeguarding policies and procedures and Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act, Livewell Southwest Training Network has taken action to protect vulnerable people or those at risk of abuse.

As such assessing risks of human trafficking and modern slavery are included within the corporate safeguarding training, specific multi agency policy and procedures and Livewell Southwest Training Network is able to respond to requests from other agencies where this risk has been identified. With the use of these procedures Livewell Southwest Training Network has gained experience in supporting the Police, Border Control and the Local Authority where human trafficking and modern slavery has been detected elsewhere.

In relation to our supply chain formal assurance has been provided by NHS supplies to confirm the action it takes to ensure human trafficking and modern slavery is not taking place within the supply chain.  This continues to be reviewed annually by Livewell Southwest Training Network and has been reviewed further within the last 12 months. Arrangements also continue to be in place to seek assurance from other providers of services through our procurement process. Over the last 12 months there have been no incidents of modern slavery identified within our supply chain.’

Within our leadership role with our community we have also sought assurances from our key statutory partners on their commitment to tackling modern slavery.

In relation to recruitment of staff, action is also in place to provide ongoing assurance that all staff employed on a permanent or temporary basis are subject to checks to ensure that they are not the subject of modern slavery or human trafficking.

We are now offering DASH (Domestic abuse, Stalking and Harrassment) Training!

Livewell Southwest Training Network