Dr Martin Reeve

Martin Reeve

Martin has been working as a communication coach for over twenty years. He is also a professional actor and he brings this experience to understanding what drives people’s communication habits, how those habits impact on others and how to change those habits.

As a trained ethnographer, with a PhD from Royal Holloway, he has a clear understanding of how behaviours are embedded in organisations and when and how those habits are useful and when they need to change. As a communication coach he has worked with a wide range of clients, including Astra Zeneca, Kelloggs, Rover Cars, Plymouth Medical School, the RSPCA, Devon and Somerset Fire Rescue Service, Warwick Business School, Pepsi Cola, Co-op Insurance, the NFU and many others.

We are now offering DASH (Domestic abuse, Stalking and Harrassment) Training!

Livewell Southwest Training Network