Fim + Fam is a combined 30 item measure of disability and cognitive and psychological function across 7 ordinary levels. The FIM+FAM is designed for measuring disability in the brain-injured population reflecting communication and psychosocial elements.
This training day will provide a practical introduction on how to score each of the measures (Rehabilitation Complexity Scale, Nursing Dependency & Therapy Dependency) and an overview of how the tools can be used in the clinical setting.
What are the benefits to using both the FIM and the FAM?
The FIM has a limited number of items that address cognitive, behavioural, communication and community functioning; issues that are important in the brain injury population. The FAM was specifically developed for those with brain injury and meant to enhance the FIM. Ceiling effects are less of a problem during rehabilitation when FAM items are included as well.
Who would benefit from this type of training?
For inpatient use the FAM can be completed in conference by the team, by individual team members, e.g., OTs, Nursing, PTs, Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, etc., or by a case manager or data collector who gathers the data from the treating team. When used for follow-up it is recommended that the interviewer have a clinical rehabilitation background. All staff expected to be raters within your work place should successfully complete the training for inter-rater reliability.
Learn how to use this incredible tool in your clinical practice in our face to face half day course.
The price
This course costs £125+VAT per person for a half day course, however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at