- Understand the anatomy and physiology
- Identify the blood vessels of the lower limb
- Understand leg ulcer aetiologies
- Understand the functions of the skin and the wound healing cascade, recognising infection
- Understand the principles of Doppler Ultrasound and Holistic Doppler assessment.
Day 1
- Discuss the legal, financial and humanitarian costs of leg ulcers
- Identify the key blood vessels of the lower limb
- Understand the differences between arteries and veins of the lower limb
- Identify common causes of leg ulceration
- Understand importance of holistic assessment
- Identify risk factors associated with the development of arterial and venous leg ulcers
- Describe the pathological conditions that contribute towards venous and arterial ulcers
- Recognise the signs and symptoms of venous and arterial ulcers
- Understand principles of arterial and venous ulcer management
- Recognise other types of lower limb ulceration
- Discuss strategies to reduce the risk of recurrence
Day 2
- Discuss the theory of graduated compression therapy
- State the principles of Laplaces Law
- Apply the general principles of good bandaging technique
- State the advantages/disadvantages of each system
- State the contraindications for compression therapy
- Demonstrate the practical skills required for the application of compression therapy
- Doppler Theory Rationale
- The principle of Doppler Ultrasound Selection of equipment
- Preparation of the patients Measuring the ABPI
- Calculating the results Re-examination Factors affecting the ABPI
- Summary
- Conclusion
This is a 2 day course and provides an introduction to Lower Limb Care. The course covers holistic assessment and management of the Lower Limb.
The first day covers anatomy and physiology and the 2nd day focusses on holistic assessment and interpretation of the Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI).
The course is for registered nurses who are consistently delivering care to patients with Lower Limb Disease.
Following completion of the course you will be required to work through a competency framework to be deemed competent in applying compression therapy and undertaking holistic Doppler Assessment.
The price
This course costs £225+VAT per person for a full 2 day course, however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at