Makaton Workshops- Level 1

Delivered by outstanding experts in the field
Makaton Tutor & Specialist Speech & Language Therapist
What is Makaton?
Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression.
Today over 100,000 children and adults use Makaton symbols and signs, either as their main method of communication or as a way to support speech.
In addition to children and adults with communication and learning difficulties and the community around them – for example, teachers, health professionals, friends, public service bodies etc. Makaton is increasingly used by the general public to aid communication.
Makaton has been shown to be useful for all sorts of people including those who struggle with understanding concepts, those who have poor literacy skills, including grammatical knowledge, and those with English as an Additional Language. By using Makaton, children and adults can take a more active part in life, because communication and language are the key to everything we do and learn.
Who are the workshops for?
Anyone who wishes to learn more about Makaton and its application- parents, family members, carers, support workers, teachers, health professionals- anyone who need to use Makaton at home or at work.
The workshops provide participants with knowledge about using and applying Makaton to develop the communication skills of others.
What do the workshops cover?
A practical introduction to the Makaton Language Programme
· You will learn about the know about the history, design and structure of Makaton and the Makaton Core Vocabulary
· You will learn the signs and symbols from Makaton stages 1-2
· You will gain knowledge of the different approaches available to develop the communication skills of a wide range of Makaton users
The price
This course costs £115 inc VAT per person for a full 1 day course (split into 2x half days), however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at