Mini-MECC (Making Every Contact Count)


The session will equip participants with a range of specific MECC skills that will enable them to deliver MECC confidently and consistently well.At the end of the session, participants should be able to:
  • Understand the importance of healthy lifestyle choices and their role in health improvement;
  • Identify key messages (on smoking, healthy eating/healthy weight, responsible drinking, physical activity, and mental health and emotional wellbeing);
  • Use communication skills that will enable them to raise an issue, open up a conversation and assess a person’s readiness to change the health-related behaviour;
  • Use a range of health behaviour change techniques (including basic motivational interviewing techniques);
  • Deliver brief advice and brief interventions;
  • Signpost clients to local healthy lifestyle services & support; and
  • Feel confident that they can apply the training in practice.


This accredited training develops your skills and confidence in supporting people to improve their own health and wellbeing.

The price

This course costs £65+VAT per person for a half day course, however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at

We are now offering DASH (Domestic abuse, Stalking and Harrassment) Training!

Livewell Southwest Training Network