Duration of course: 3 hours
Who Should Attend
All staff that have face to face contact with patients and public, that create/analyse/use ABC charts/Care plans/Positive Behaviour Support Plans.
Aims of the Course
To introduce Positive Behaviour Support, enabling staff to reduce behaviours of concern in order to improve the quality of a person’s life, and that of the people around them.
Course Deliverables
This course is delivered in a classroom, and is a mix of power point, group work and a video to promote learning. This course will be delivered in line with the organisations PBS competencies framework 2015, NICE guidelines for Challenging Behaviour; Ensuring Quality Services; Positive and Proactive Care: Reducing the need for Restrictive Interventions; A Positive and Proactive Workforce; and Supporting Staff who work with people who Challenge Services.
Course Programme
- What is ‘Behaviour?’
- What is meant by the term ‘Behaviours of Concern?’
- What is ‘Positive Behavioural Support’ and how does it apply to what we do?
- What do we already have in place that relates to PBS?
- Where can I find further training/support?
The price
This course costs £75+VAT per person for a 3 hour course, however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at info@livewellsouthwesttrainingnetwork.co.uk