What men need to know about Menopause…

More and more businesses are taking action to support Menopause. 
Why? Because Menopause is a workplace issue.

The world of employee healthcare is changing. Are you?  
Women of Menopausal age are the fastest-growing demographic in the workforce today. 

This is a confidential training group for males to learn how to support all colleagues inside and outside the workplace. Trust me, no question is a silly question. 

If you are a Male Manager, do you know how to support your member of staff who may be struggling in silence? Is it a difficult conversation to have?

This course is interactive and can be delivered face to face or via Teams.

The course aims will cover:

  • What is Menopause
  • What are Menopause symptoms
  • What conditions can cause Menopause
  • Symptoms and signs
  • How does this impact at work
  • How can a workplace be more supportive
  • Menopause awareness with people transitioning
  • Looking at lifestyle factors and how to reduce the symptoms and complications of Menopause.

If you would like a Face to Face session or a more bespoke session for your team, do get in touch with Andrea on andrea.mahn@nhs.net or call 07545 070430.

The price

This course costs £50+VAT per person for a 2-3 hour course, however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at info@livewellsouthwesttrainingnetwork.co.uk

We are now offering DASH (Domestic abuse, Stalking and Harrassment) Training!

Livewell Southwest Training Network