Clinical Courses
- Advanced communications for those who work in End of life care
- Assessment and Formulation
- Autism awareness
- Care certificate
- CBT or anonmalous experiences
- Compassion-focused therapy
- Continence, Bowel management and Catheter training
- COPD awareness
- Diabetes Management training
- End of life care training
- Enema care training
- Epilepsy training
- Hello CBT day 1 (An introduction to CBT)
- Hello CBT day 2 (An introduction to CBT for Psychosis)
- Immunisation foundation course for HCAs
- Immunisation foundation course for RNs
- Immunisation refresher course
- Introduction to ear care
- Learning disabilities and Dysphagia
- Lower limb management for HCAs
- Lower limb management for RNs
- Management of Feeding tubes/Enteral feeding devices
- Medicines management
- Nasal/Pharyngeal suctioning
- Neural linguistic programming
- Oliver McGowan Level 1 Elearning
- Oliver McGowan Level 2
- Oral care Support and management
- Oral Suction
- Oxygen and nebuliser therapies
- Preparing and recording mental capacity assessments and DoLS
- Pressure ulcer prevention and management
- Pressure ulcer update
- Recognition of the deteriorating patient (including vital sign monitoring and sepsis)
- Respite care training
- Stomas training
- Tissue viability
- Total communication
- Tracheostomy/Laryngectomy care and support
- Venepuncture
- Wound Management and dressing selection for HCAs
- Wound Management and dressing selection for RNs
Mental Health Courses
- ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
- ASIST refresher
- Connect 5: session 1
- Dementia awareness training
- Hoarding
- Making every contact count
- Menopause
- Mental Health and Suicide Awareness
- Mental Health Awareness
- Mental Health First Aid (Adults)
- Mental Health First Aid Champion
- Mental Health First Aid Higher Education
- Mental Health First Aid Refresher
- Mental Health First Aid (Youth)
- Mental Health Skills for Managers
- Mini-MECC (Making every contact count)
- Resilience and Stress Management
- SafeTALK
- Stress in Dementia
- Suicide awareness
- Suicide prevention
- The ASK workshop
- The Power Room
- Understanding and coping with extreme moods
- Understanding grief and bereavement
- Understanding mental health and wellbeing
- Understanding Psychosis and bipolar disorder
- Ways to manage our anxiety and anxious behaviours in others
- Wellbeing champion training
- What men need to know about the menopause
- Working with those who self harm
Employability courses
- Advanced communication
- Assertiveness at work
- Basic moving and handling
- Coaching skills for managers
- Complex moving and handling
- COSHH awareness
- Delivering effective staff reviews
- Difficult conversations at work (communication training)
- Effective Leadership- Managing challenging situations at work
- Fire safety
- Fire Warden
- GDPR and information governance
- Manual Handling
- Mediation
- Mediation and conflict resolution skills workshop
- Motivating clients
- Motivation for managers and supervisors
- Motivational interviewing
- Presentation skills
- Prevent
First Aid courses
- Anaphylaxis
- Basic Life Support
- Emergency First aid at work with AED use 1 day
- Emergency First aid at work with AED use 3 day
- Emergency First aid for those in wheelchairs
- Emergency Paediatric First Aid
Non-Clinical courses
- Boundaries
- Breaking Bad News
- Conflict Resolution
- Dealing with difficult people
- Empathy
- Fitness and Wellbeing
- Hand Hygiene instruction and assessment
- Healthy eating workshop
- Makaton level 1
- Makaton level 2
- Solution focused approaches
- Walk leader training
Physical Intervention courses
- Breakaway
- Physical intervention (PI)
- PI update
- Positive behaviour support (PBS)
- Prevention and management of violence and aggression (PMVA) 5 day (6 courses)- includes: PBS, Safewards, resolving conflict, Restrictive intervention theory, breakaway, PI
- Safeholding
Safeguarding courses
- Safeguarding adults level 1
- Safeguarding adults level 2
- Safeguarding adults level 3
- Safeguarding adults level 4
- Safeguarding adults level 5
- Safeguarding children level 1
- Safeguarding children level 2
- Safeguarding children level 3
New courses and dates being added regularly. If there are any courses you are interested that you cannot see, please let us know as we are always eager to introduce new courses to our portfolio! Please also do not forget our bespoking service- where we are happy to design any course you may need.