Kym Shorthouse

Kym Shorthouse

I have worked for Livewell Southwest for 15 years and have spent 13 of those years working in the Professional Training & Development Team.

Before joining the training team, I worked in the community within Mental Health services as well as on the inpatient Mental Health wards. Since joining the department, I have become a qualified teacher. I am trained in the Management of Violence and Aggression through the General Services Association (GSA) and have yearly updates with a senior tutor where I have held an A Grade status each year. I now lead on Prevent for Livewell Southwest.

I deliver training in Physical Intervention, Safe-Holding, Prevent, Breakaway, Resolving Conflict and Positive Behaviour Support. I can also provide bespoke courses.

Qualifications: BA Honours Degree, Diploma in Higher Education and Training (PTLLS / CTTLS & DTTLS), GSA Tutor Accreditation, WRAP Facilitator (Prevent), Positive Behaviour Support Coach (BILD Practitioner) and (working towards) Functional Behaviour Assessor.

We are now offering DASH (Domestic abuse, Stalking and Harrassment) Training!

Livewell Southwest Training Network