Matthew Fish

Matthew Fish

I am a BABCP accredited CBT therapist providing CBT for psychosis (CBTp) to clients open to the Insight Early Intervention in Psychosis team at The Zone.

I am passionate about increasing the CBT offer to secondary care clients, and feel privileged to be able to support clients to apply CBTp to their own lives. I’ve worked at Insight for 4 years, and prior to that have worked in inpatient forensic settings, community CAMHS settings, and also feel honoured to have worked with Asylum Seekers and Refugees.

In recent times I have stepped out of my comfort zone by providing teaching/training, and as I share my knowledge/experience, I also value the learning I also obtain from this.

We are now offering DASH (Domestic abuse, Stalking and Harrassment) Training!

Livewell Southwest Training Network