Theresa Mitchell

My role is to provide specialist advice and assessment in the arena of Tissue Viability. I also review and develop guidelines in Tissue Viability and I am responsible for chairing the Serious Incident Panel which is held on a monthly basis. All Serious Incidents in respect of Pressure Ulcers are triaged by the Professional Lead and myself. Previous to working in the South West I worked for an organisation in North East London.

I have 20 years of experience as a Tissue Viability Nurse and prior to this I was a District Nurse. I am also a Registered Mental Health Nurse and have experience in this field. Education and Training is integral to my role and it is something that I particularly enjoy. I believe it is essential to share best practice and empower others.

Qualifications: State Enrolled Nurse. Registered General Nurse. Registered Mental Nurse. Diploma HE in Health Promotion.  BSc Honours in Professional Nurse with Tissue Viability. Queen’s Nurse.

We are now offering DASH (Domestic abuse, Stalking and Harrassment) Training!

Livewell Southwest Training Network