My role is to provide specialist advice and assessment in the arena of Tissue Viability. I also review and develop guidelines in Tissue Viability and I am responsible for chairing the Serious Incident Panel which is held on a monthly basis. All Serious Incidents in respect of Pressure Ulcers are triaged by the Professional Lead and myself. Previous to working in the South West I worked for an organisation in North East London.
I have 20 years of experience as a Tissue Viability Nurse and prior to this I was a District Nurse. I am also a Registered Mental Health Nurse and have experience in this field. Education and Training is integral to my role and it is something that I particularly enjoy. I believe it is essential to share best practice and empower others.
Qualifications: State Enrolled Nurse. Registered General Nurse. Registered Mental Nurse. Diploma HE in Health Promotion. BSc Honours in Professional Nurse with Tissue Viability. Queen’s Nurse.