To provide advice, support and information on the promotion and management of continence. There are two aspects to the training, urinary and bowel which tie in together based on the core subject of continence.
- The importance of Urinalysis Results Bowel and catheter care management
- DRE, DRS, Manual Evacuation techniques
- Effective fluid and bowel charting (and the importance)
- Catheter care and safe catheterisation insertion (Male, Female and Suprapubic)
This course will be face to face at Livewell Training Academy.
This course will help you gain an understanding of Continence, Bowel Management and Catheterisation. If you provide advice and support on the promotion and management of Continence, and are competent in the Aseptic technique, this course is a must.
The price
This course costs £150+VAT per person for a full 1 day course, however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at