Understanding Grief and Bereavement – Talk

Aims –

This workshop aims to help you understand some of the processes involved with grief, seek to dispel some of the misunderstandings surrounding communicating with the bereaved and will describe some of the ways to sensitively approach conversations to establish trust. By the end of the session we hope you feel more confident about supporting someone who is grieving.

Objectives –

There will be time to reflect on your own feelings with each other and professionals who are passionate about caring for people who are approaching the end of their lives and their families, friends and carers .         

This is not a grief counselling session.

Summary –

This workshop aims to help you understand some of the processes involved with grief, seek to dispel some of the misunderstandings surrounding communicating with the bereaved and will describe some of the ways to sensitively approach conversations to establish trust.

The price

This course costs £100+VAT per person for a half day course, however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at info@livewellsouthwesttrainingnetwork.co.uk

We are now offering DASH (Domestic abuse, Stalking and Harrassment) Training!

Livewell Southwest Training Network