Wound Management and Dressing Selection for Registered Nurses


  • To recognise the factors and barriers to wound healing
  • To use a holistic approach and involve the patient in their carers
  • To understand the importance of wound assessment and review
  • To gain a basic knowledge of the topical applications/dressings available and provide a rationale for their use
  • To recognise infection


The course will cover the wound healing cascade, Wound Bed Classification, Infection Continuum and Recognising infection, Dressing Selection and Group Work. A selection of dressings and topical applications will be displayed throughout the session.


This course provides an overview of wound management and in addition covers dressings/topical applications used in wound management. It is designed for all registered nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse associates and healthcare professionals. The course provides information regarding all dressings and topical applications within the local Wound Care Formulary.

The price

This course costs £100+VAT per person for a half day course, however, if you are interested in booking a bespoke course for your company, we are very happy to discuss discounts. Please contact us at info@livewellsouthwesttrainingnetwork.co.uk

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Livewell Southwest Training Network