New Year! New rules! Another national lockdown! Well, here we are again! Lockdown part iii. Once the news of a more virulent strain of COVID 19 was announced it came as no surprise to most that we would re-enter another lockdown. As much as we all wanted to spend Christmas cheer with our loved ones in essence we have sadly paid the price with more fatalities.
Where has January gone, we ask ourselves… Although everyone felt it was one of the longest months ever, with nowhere to go and continual rain, here at the Academy its business as usual. Like most training centres we have had to adapt to a new way of working albeit virtual. However, despite our initial reluctance, the feedback has been outstanding and some delegates went as far as saying “it was better and they got far more out of it.” For certain mandatory courses we are still providing face to face training under strict COVID rules. Please enquire about these on 01752 435152.
One piece of really good news is the introduction of a new course back in Summer 2020 – ADVANCED COMMUNICATION – facilitated by two professional actors. It became so popular that we are now running more of these! Their unique strapline is “life isn’t a rehearsal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for it”. As we know COVID 19 is raising really difficult issues that people are struggling to talk about and effective communication is especially important in these unprecedented times. We all know that good communication saves time and money. Another benefit for this course, more so now than ever before, is that good communication is critical to positive health and wellbeing. Our own mental health is so important at the moment and I believe everyone of us has our own individual struggles. These can be anything from feeling isolated due to working at home or worst still having lost a job and now struggling to find employment again, bringing their own unique wobbles.
These bespoke Advanced Communication courses are designed around your needs and use interactive practice with professional role plays to meet your communication challenges. It helps you feel more confident and comfortable in dealing with difficult conversations at work, helps you manage feelings in those conversations; to raise awareness about what makes for effective communication; to practise communication skills and to get meaningful constructive feedback about your communication skills.
The course is designed around your needs, and will include:
- Introduction to models of effective communication
- Sharing experience of difficult conversations
- Experiential learning aimed at personal development within the context of the group objective
The training is designed around the needs of particular groups with common challenges, whoever they might be.
Looking ahead, we must embrace the change that has occurred in recent months. Until the day we can return again to some kind of normal, whatever that may look like, we will continue to support one another where we can. We will continue to look to the future with hope, despite our recent experiences. The day will surely come when we can gather again in large training environments, but until then happy virtual training!