Dear Customer,
I felt it was time to properly introduce myself. My name is Andrea Mahn, Marketing Manager for Livewell South West.
I joined the company on April 1st 2020 with over 15 years’ experience working for Department for Working Pensions in various roles from Employer Consultant to Employability Manager and prior to that I was Marketing Manager for a prestigious hotel in Salcombe for over 10 years.
On April 1st it felt like a baptism of fire. Starting a new job was interesting during these challenging times but also within days I very much felt part of a super welcoming team.
Working from home, home schooling twins and the excitement of a new career has all added to a new productive routine which I am enjoying immensely.
The first two months saw my team set up an online mobility shop which is growing all the time. If you should wish to have a look please click in the link. We also have spent a lot of time creating Social Media Platforms. These are seeing lots of traffic and consistent engagements which appears to be going in the right direction.
My third month saw us partner up with a training company. The idea behind this was to look after our current customers, form new relationships and predominantly try and address people’s fears around Covid-19. With this being one of our main objectives and our partnering company’s we launched an HSE accredited course to become COVID Compliance Officers. I am very pleased to say my team and I all got 100%.
The course is intended to be a tool for management or business owners who are directly responsible for creating and implementing COVID -19 policies in the workplace. Those undertaking the course might be businesses, manufacturers, distribution centres, shops, construction or offices and ‘frontline’ implementers of COVID-19 policy. This also might include your H&S team members. The course is short (2 hours max) to complete, and it is written in a style of learning that would be achievable for those whose English may be a second language. It strikes an effective balance between being straightforward and informative and will cost £59 per person. The usual cost of the course is £169 and due to demand will likely go up at mid July. The checklist and risk assessments alone equate to more than £59.00. The accredited certificate is a great way of showcasing the lengths you have gone to and the confidence it will provide your customers is invaluable.
Please click the link to the compliance officer course.
Please do keep watching the website for more updates in particular around the Training Academy and the new courses we will be offering during these unprecedented times.
I look forward to writing to you all again very soon.
Yours Sincerely,
Andrea Mahn
Mob: 07545 070430